Common Dental Procedures

Your dentist is an expert in protecting your oral health. In addition to providing preventive care, they diagnose and treat the teeth, gums, mouth, and jaw. Dentists improve self-confidence with functional and cosmetic restorations. Common procedures which can restore the health and the appearance of

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Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Is it snoring or sleep apnea? Snoring occurs when soft tissues in the throat area relax during sleep, partially blocking airways and vibrating with the passage of air. It’s this vibration which causes that distinctive snoring sound. If you’re one of the millions of people who snore, you know how

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When you lose a tooth, it affects not just the appearance, but the function of your smile. It can be difficult to eat or speak naturally Extra stress is put on your remaining teeth You’re at greater risk for developing gum disease Your remaining teeth can shift out of position, causing bite problems

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While you’re living your active life, be sure to protect your smile. A mouthguard is essential safety gear whenever you participate in any sport or activity that could lead to dental trauma. Oral and dental injuries are very common for athletes, and often these injuries can be prevented or reduced

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Tooth Decay Prevention

What is tooth decay? Tooth decay begins with the Streptococcus mutans bacteria. These bacteria join with food particles and fluids in the mouth to create plaque, a constantly forming biofilm which sticks to the surface of tooth enamel. The bacteria in plaque convert the sugars in our foods into lactic

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Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” has been used in dental procedures since the 19th century. Modern nitrous oxide sedation is a safe, popular, and effective option for patients who experience mild to moderate dental anxiety. Nitrous oxide provides the lightest form of dental

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Crown Lengthening in West Orange, NJ

If you are concerned about excess gum tissue or an uneven gum line, crown lengthening and gum contouring are minimally invasive periodontal procedures that can improve the balance of your gums and teeth, creating a well-proportioned and symmetrical smile. Crown lengthening, also known as a gum lift,

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Bruxism is the medical term for excessive tooth grinding and/or jaw clenching. Because our jaw muscles are capable of producing hundreds of pounds of force, continuous grinding and clenching can cause significant damage to teeth and jaws without dental intervention. Unconscious grinding or clenching

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Tooth Contouring

Because our smiles are the way we greet the world, even tiny imperfections in our teeth can cause self-consciousness. If you have a front tooth with an uneven edge, a canine that is too long or pointed, a slight overlap between two teeth, or any other minor cosmetic concern, tooth contouring might be

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TMD Treatments in West Orange, NJ

The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) connect the temporal bones on each side of the skull to the mandible, or lower jawbone. These complex, hinge-like joints allow the mouth to open and close, move back and forth, and slide from side to side. Muscle, bone, and cartilage work together for easy and comfortable

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